With a constantly growing interest and global market demand for NFT industry and digital art in general, ftNFT marketplace stretches its boundaries and launches yet another physical NFT shop project, this time moving the target to the Dubai Mall.
The first ftNFT physical shop opened at the Mall of Emirates in December, 2022, and in a short period gained incredible popularity among art lovers and even ordinary mall visitors. For its ability to break down the borders of physical and digital arts, the first shop was awarded the Best Phygital Implementation award by MAF.
The official opening ceremony will be held on March 16, during which all the visitors will be welcome to interact, browse, pick and choose among various NFT pieces and collections.
On this unique day, also the prominent artist Tigran Tsitoghdzyan will be launching his unique NFT collection, in collaboration with AKNEYE. The Shop will have a brand new NFT gallery where artists can rent one of 20+ high-quality displays or exhibition spots to showcase their NFTs and physical art to hundreds of daily shoppers. Any NFTs listed can also be purchased through easy-access terminals. Customers can use the 3D Scanner to make full-body scans of themselves and they can also get their custom rooms in the Fastex Verse.
"With the most innovative technology at our fingertips, we're making NFTs more accessible to everyone. We present NFTs that exist in both virtual and physical forms through the Shop's extensive gallery. It is fitted with high-end screens and physical exhibition spaces for all kinds of art. It is a brand new NFT experience," says Vakhtang Abrahamyan, CEO at Fastex.
The grand opening ceremony of the ftNFT Shop will be followed by an International NFT Awards and a Gala Dinner at Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa.